Thursday 10 May 2012

Woof! It's been a long time since I've been here. I've been doing all sorts of things and most of all learning new things. I now sit, stay, 'put it there'(my paw), lie down and walk to heel a whole lot better. I keep getting 'good girl' whenever I comply. Sometimes though a stubborn streak (must be the staffie in me) occurs and I either chase a pheasant or just ignore the fact that my human is calling me. We're good at that, us dogs. We can just ignore you humans if we wish to!
So what else have I been doing. Oh yes, I am in training for the Olympics. I have my own little toy which funnily enough looks like one of the circles in the logo. I play with this all the time and my human thinks I am pretty good with my floor exercise using this implement. I can lie on my back and toss it, I can slip it down my neck (hey, it fits!) and I can run around the house with it in my mouth. I can also make it roll on the ground and catch it before it drops and most of all I can make my humans play with it and me! Woooffhooo! Now if only dogs had events at the Olympics, we'd make a clean sweep of all the gold bones.
Gotta go now - I smell something that needs sniffing...

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Finally! A name!!!
Okay so I have a name now- thank woof for that! The humans have been calling me 'hey', 'doggie' and 'dog' all this while and I never got it. For dog's sake, its only a name - it surely cannot be that hard! I was called Tofu when I was with Sandra but my new humans don't think Tofu suits me as I was part of a duo - Tofu and Noodles - hence the search for a new name. For a while it was McLovin - no bones for guessing why! I am a loving soul and I love bumping people up for a snuggle. But the man human thought the older human folk would never 'get it' and said he was too embarrassed to shout 'McLovin' when we're out and about or playing fetch.

The woman human kept coming up with all sorts of names for me  but the man human was still not happy - he wanted something short, sharp and with few syllables - and the name 'Haggis' came up and that was it. I am Haggis! I quite like the name but a few silly twits have actually laughed at it. One woman human said 'Oh you poor dog - you'll never know what a silly name you have'. She's lucky I couldn't talk human to tell her what I thought of her!

I even have a tartan collar and leash to go with my name now - it was sent from Scotland as a present for me by that older woman human who came last to visit. It actually came addressed to 'Miss Haggis'. Woof! I love it.
(Note from woman human - the woman who came to visit was Gavin's mum)

Thursday 29 September 2011

My Profile

Date of birth: June 23rd 2008
Name: Haggis
Type: Heinz57 (staffiexwhippetxmonkey)
Hobbies: Fetch! Tug! Sleeping! Chasing off the postman (cos I'm sleeping you eejit!)! Food! The Seaside!
p.s. Let me stress that this is in no particular order.
Special Talents: see above
Place of birth: Manchester
Favourite food: Pasta!
Most annoying habit: Licking my bits followed by kissing my humans and sleeping on their bed
Most endearing habit: Resting my head on my humans knee and the humans go all wobbly.
Loves: Walks, walks, walks, i just want out! and grooming Gavin's beard.
Hates: the dogs next door cos they're little noisy f£$%"^*!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Day Three

I had three walks yesterday! Three! I am so happy my tail's going on its own. However, today I sense a difference. My human took me out early for a walk and when we got home the lady had made my breakfast. It was meat which I quite like. However, I noticed that she was not in her dressing gown but was dressed to go out. My tail went down and my head hung a little so she gave me kisses and cuddles and stroked my belly, calling me a clever girl. I was not too pleased and then I noticed my other human was also getting changed. Could it be another walk? But no, instead I was told to go to bed. I went with my head hung low and my tail between my legs. They said goodbye to me and locked the door. Oh no! Am I to be on my own, what will I do? However, I was quite tired from all the excitement and decided to go to sleep. At about 10.30 I was disturbed by the postman. I barked at him and told him to go away. Wandered about the house a little and decided to sleep on the sofa. However, there were too many birds in the garden making a racket so I decided to go into the other room where there was a nice soft bed. There I stayed until my humans came home. They took me out immediately for a walk and I was happy again. Another fish dinner, slurp and then it was sofa time! They would not leave me alone and kept stroking and cuddling me. I thought, ah, they are humans only after all, I'll kiss them back. So I did and went to sleep.

Day Two

Day Two
I got up this morning to a strange house and strange smells. Then I remembered - this is my new pad! I walked around a bit and had a sniff here and there and explored a bit around the house. Had  a drink of water and went back to sleep. Then I saw the lady - she was in her dressing gown and came and gave me a cuddle. I reciprocated with kisses. Then I heard the man and went to go into the bedroom but was told 'Out!' Harrumph! I'm not allowed into the bedroom. Then the man came out and spoke to me and also gave me a cuddle. A few minutes later I saw him take my leash and was mighty excited! We were going to go out to play as I also spied my ball. He told me to sit - which I wouldn't do at first - but eventually gave in. Then he made me wait and wait and wait while he just stood there looking at me. When he was satisfied that I had calmed down, he put the leash on me and we started walking. We met a few humans and dogs on the way and I also spied ducks! What fun it would be to chase those feathered bags! But the human would not let me off the leash until we eventually arrived at the playing field. He threw the ball and I had a mad session of fetch. There were other dogs playing fetch too but I did not bother as this man was fun to be with. He praised me every time I brought the ball back to him. Then he put the leash on me again and off we went exploring other parts of the countryside. I felt a little tired but exhilarated to be out and about. We walked for another half hour and then I realized that we were close to my new home. I wanted to run back to the house but my owner would not let me. He made me sit again outside the house and wait - meh. Eventually he let me in and made me breakfast. It was dried dog food with tinned mackerel. Holy bowwow! I love fish!

A new Home!

23rd June 2011
Today is the day I move to my new home. My owner hadn't told me she was going to give me away and I had been happily spending the day running in and out of the house with Noodles and knocking the kid over.
At about 5.30 p.m. I found that my owner had come home with a strange man. He seemed nice and was stroking and scratching my tummy, which I like. Suddenly my owner came out with my chew toys and my ball and gave it to the man, and gave me a cuddle. He took me into his car and I found that I was going on a car ride - Yappee! We got to Tesco in Milton and he left me in the car for a few minutes. He came back, put the lead on me and then I met this lady. She seemed nice too but mostly bemused by me. I was a little excited and could not sit still when we got into the car. I cannot remember most of what happened but we got to this house in the countryside. I ran around and sniffed about a bit in the house as I was still excited. Then the man put the leash on me and all three of us went out for a walk. It smelt fresh and there were so many other smells to explore - I was thrilled! We walked for a bit and the man took the leash off me and I bounded off into the wheat fields. What absolute fun! The man and the woman were laughing and smiling at me and my antics and seemed pleased that I would run back to them from time to time. I had such fun and then it was time to go back to my new home. They gave me my dinner and let me sit on the sofa with them. They fussed all over me and I was quite content. A car ride, a run about the countryside, dinner and then tummy scratches - what more could a dog ask for? They put me to bed on my new bed which was a large footstool for the sofa with a duvet! My very own sofa! I slept well.